Author: admin

Swim Safety Tips
As summer approaches, like many families, you may be planning a trip to your favorite beach or pool. But before you put on your bathing suit and sunscreen, reviewing water safety for your children is a must. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), water safety is a multi-faceted system of prevention with the …

Pediatric Health Care Guidelines for Asthma
Pediatric and Medical Associates follows the national asthma guidelines for standard of care. There are varying degrees of asthma severity and therefore a range of guidelines for follow up visits. Every asthmatic should be seen at least once yearly for an asthma focused appointment to review medications, dosing and for an assessment of asthma control. …

Finding The Right Pediatricians in CT
Qualities to Look for in Your Child’s Doctor You are in your third trimester and, like your belly, your “to-do” list doesn’t seem to be shrinking any. And although it is perfectly acceptable to wait until your baby’s birthday to know the sex or to pick your baby’s name, it is too late to start …