December 19, 2016
Cold weather is here in full force and there is no better time to do a quick reminder about coats and car seats. While it is important to keep our little ones warm, we also want to make sure they are safe.
Important things to keep in mind:
- No heavy coats or snowsuits. Not only are they likely to get too hot, the harness won’t work properly if you do get in an accident. There is going to be too much extra space between the straps and your child. We suggest only using a light fleece, thin jacket or sweatshirt.
- If you have a car seat with a base, keep the removable part indoors during the winter. This will help keep the seat warm…and your baby warm!
- Do not use car seat covers that go under the baby and can interfere with the straps. Again, this can alter the effectiveness of the straps. Using blankets over the straps is a much safer option.
- Bring a warmer jacket to put on when getting out of the car. Children will still need to bundle up going from outdoors to inside, especially if the wind chill is low.
- Keep an extra supply of mittens, hats and extra blankets in case your car breaks down or there is an emergency.
Looking for a little bit more information? Check here for a test to see if it’s ok for your child to wear a coat with their car seat.
Finally, click here are a few extra recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics.